Igloo Ice Maker Not Making Full Cubes? Expert Troubleshooting Guide

If you’re experiencing a situation where your Igloo ice maker is not producing full-sized ice cubes, it can be due to issues such as inadequate water supply, improper settings, or component malfunctions. These issues can lead to the production of smaller ice cubes or hollow cubes that are not completely filled.

Solution: To address the problem of your Igloo ice maker not making full cubes, you need to check the water supply, review the settings, and inspect the components for any malfunctions.

Igloo Ice Maker Troubleshooting Guide Series:

Igloo Ice Maker Not Making Full Cubes

Checking the Water Supply

If your Igloo ice maker is not producing full-sized cubes, there are a couple of steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

Ensure that you are pouring the correct amount of water into the ice maker’s water reservoir.

Adding too little or too much water can affect the size of the ice cubes produced. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions or guidelines provided in the user manual regarding the appropriate water level.

By verifying the water supply and ensuring the correct water amount, you can maximize the chances of your Igloo ice maker producing full-sized ice cubes.

Key points:

  • Verify that the correct amount of water is being poured into the ice maker’s water reservoir.
  • Ensure that the water level is in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or guidelines.
  • Adding too little or too much water can affect the size of the ice cubes produced.
  • Following the recommended water level and proper water supply will increase the likelihood of the Igloo ice maker producing full-sized ice cubes.

Reviewing the Settings

Ice Cube Size Setting

To address the issue of ice cubes not being full-sized in your Igloo ice maker, it is important to verify and adjust the ice cube size setting. Consult the user manual for specific instructions on how to adjust this setting.

To maximize the chances of producing full-sized ice cubes, set the ice maker to the largest cube size option available.

By ensuring that the ice cube size setting is correctly adjusted and selecting the largest size option, you can optimize the ice maker’s output to meet your desired ice cube dimensions.

Key Points:

  • Verify that the ice cube size setting on your Igloo ice maker is correctly adjusted.
  • Refer to the user manual for instructions on how to adjust the ice cube size setting.
  • Set the ice maker to the largest cube size option to ensure the production of full-sized ice cubes.

Temperature Adjustment

To address the issue with your ice maker, it is crucial to examine and adjust the temperature setting. Verify that the temperature is correctly set to the recommended level to enable the ice cubes to freeze completely.

If needed, make adjustments to the temperature setting based on the guidelines outlined in the user manual. By ensuring the temperature is properly adjusted, you can optimize the freezing process and ensure the production of fully frozen ice cubes.

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for temperature adjustments to achieve the best results. Refer to the user manual for accurate information on adjusting the temperature setting of your ice maker and enjoy the satisfaction of perfectly frozen ice cubes.

Key points:

  • Check the temperature setting of your ice maker.
  • Ensure that the temperature is set to the recommended level to allow the ice cubes to freeze completely.
  • Adjust the temperature if necessary, following the guidelines provided in the user manual.

Inspecting Components

Ice Mold Inspection

To address the issue with your ice maker, it is important to inspect the ice molds for any damage, cracks, or blockages.

Carefully examine each mold to ensure they are in good condition and free from any obstructions that could hinder the production of full-sized ice cubes.

Thoroughly clean the ice molds, removing any residue or debris that may affect the proper formation of the cubes. In the event that you discover any damage to the ice molds during the inspection, it is recommended to seek assistance from Igloo customer support. They can provide further guidance and explore the possibility of replacing the damaged molds if necessary.

By conducting regular inspections and maintenance of the ice molds, you can ensure optimal performance and enjoy the satisfaction of well-formed ice cubes from your Igloo ice maker.

Key points:

  • Examine the ice molds for any damage, cracks, or blockages.
  • Clean the ice molds thoroughly to remove any residue or debris that may affect the formation of full cubes.
  • If the ice molds are damaged, consider contacting Igloo customer support for further assistance or possible mold replacement.

Water Filter Evaluation

To address potential issues with your Igloo ice maker, it is important to evaluate the condition of the water filter if your model is equipped with one. Inspect the water filter for any signs of clogging or dirt accumulation, as this can restrict the water flow and impact the formation of full-sized ice cubes.

If the water filter is dirty or has exceeded its recommended lifespan, it is advisable to replace it. By ensuring a clean and functioning water filter, you can maintain an optimal water flow and improve the quality of the ice produced by your Igloo ice maker.

Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or consult the user manual for specific guidance on evaluating and replacing the water filter.

Key points

  • If your ice maker is equipped with a water filter, check its condition.
  • A clogged or dirty water filter can restrict water flow and affect the formation of full-sized ice cubes.
  • Replace the water filter if it is dirty or past its recommended lifespan.


To troubleshoot the problem of your Igloo ice maker not producing full-sized cubes, it is recommended to follow these expert steps.

Begin by checking the water supply to ensure the right amount of water is put into the igloo ice maker. Review the settings of the ice maker, ensuring they are configured correctly.

Additionally, inspect the components of the ice maker for any signs of malfunctions, such as damaged or loose parts.

If the issue persists despite these troubleshooting efforts, refer to the user manual for specific guidance, or consider reaching out to Igloo customer support for further assistance.

By diligently following these steps, you can restore your Igloo ice maker’s ability to produce satisfying, full-sized ice cubes once again.

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